As the midterm elections move closer I am astonished looking at the polling data showing a real possibility that the republicans could actually win back the house. I ask to anyone caring to read this What have they done? You can argue against the policies of the house leadership but they have actually passed historic legislation while the minority party has obstructed at every opportunity. This has not been a secret as from the start of the Obama administration we have heard from their leadership and the conservative talk show hosts that they hoped Obama would fail.
Has this President done everything i wanted him to? Not by a long way. I believe he was wrong to take the public option off so early in the game, wrong on FISA, wrong on rendition and wrong on the war. However, he has done something historic in passing health care reform with all its faults and his action in regards to the stimulus and bailing out GM were spot on and saved millions of jobs.
Now some 20 months later GM is solvent, Banks have paid back most if not all of the TARP money and we have a path to universal healthcare. He has stood in the face of the lunatic right calling him a communist when he is more politically like Reagan then any Democrat in recent memory. He has stood above all the Racist rantings from the fake grassroots campaigns that are known as the tea partiers and as he did on Friday instructed us again on what this country stands for
I believe there are several things that true conservatives could bring to the debate but they have done nothing but say no over and over again. I urge you to say no when it comes time to vote for them.
Wise words from our President
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