Theater of dreams

Theater of dreams

Monday, August 16, 2010

Eat Pray Love

Part of marriage is learning how to compromise with each other.  A few weeks back my wife agreed to watch the testosterone driven A-team with me (of course with several scenes of Bradly cooper well defined abs I don't think it was really a chore for her) so in return i agreed to watch the Julie Roberts opus Eat Pray Love.  Now as with the aforementioned Bradley Cooper, Julie is certainly easy on the eyes and the film also presents a luscious palette of scenery and vistas. 

Having not read the book its possible i missed what real meaning this movie was trying to impress upon the viewers (maybe i wasn't the intended audience).  All i saw was this rich, stunningly gorgeous woman who dumped seemingly decent and good looking dudes (yes I'm comfortable enough in my manhood to say that Billy Crudup, James Franco and Javier Bardem are good looking men) so she could "find her self"  The most cring worthy line however was not uttered by Julie or any of the male leads in this new age woe is me drama it was delivered thusly, "Having a baby is like having a tattoo on your face".

In the moment it seemed like some sort of comical explanation as to why she dumped her husband.  My wife told me after that the book goes into how the husband wanted children and she didn't so I guess I understand to a point.  After pondering the film a bit more i was taken back to a vastly superior film Kramer vs Kramer which dealt with this type of topic much better.  To this day i still loath what Merryl Streep's character did in the film but for that time I believe the story was relevant.

This movie has no relevance.


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